Basket Blunders

comedy4cast #728: Basket Blunders

Abby Falmacher is being followed!

The owner of The Little Wicker Baskets Company travels to a basket factory in Franklin, Ohio. She’s trying to find out why production of her little wicker wonders seems to be slowing down. But she isn’t’ the only one who has made the trip. Kipper and Mulligan are also in town. The two would-be henchmen have been given orders to “take care of” Abby. And a factory full of dangerous machinery might just prove be the perfect place to carry out their mission.

Lending their voice this episode is Bonnie Kenderdine, playing Abby Falmacher and Chauncey.

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>> Factory illustration courtesy of Francis Ray, wicker basket illustration courtesy of Marta Cuesta and forklift illustration courtesy of jjyb, all from Pixabay
>> Certain sounds effects courtesy of freeSFX and

Looking for a transcript of the episode? Find it here.

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