Chapter 20: A Good Deed Done

This one could be dynamite!

With things almost back to normal in Chasm Valley, the gang finds there is one remaining earth-shaking task to complete. Guest starring Bonnie Kenderdine as Abby Falmacher and Cindy, and Gary J. Chambers as the Narrator. (Run time – 5:21 minutes)

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>> Not able to be a Patreon patron? Consider just buying Clinton some coffee
>> And be sure to check out everything happening over at The Topic is Trek, the other podcast Clinton does
>> Bicycle courier image courtesy of Rudy and Peter Skitterians from Pixabay
>> Certain sounds effects courtesy of freeSFX and

Looking for a transcript of the episode? Find it here.

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Chapter 19: The Paper Race

Signing with the enemy.

In the penultimate chapter of “Main Street Undermined,” everyone sits down at the table to take care of business. But who are the winners and who walks away with just a participation trophy? Guest starring Bonnie Kenderdine as Abby Falmacher and Bryn Dunsel, Barry Murphy as Duncan MacDonald, and Gary J. Chambers as the Narrator. (Run time – 8:46 minutes)

>> Become a comedy4cast patron with Patreon and get episodes before everyone else!
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>> Drop us an email at podcast @
>> Not able to be a Patreon patron? Consider just buying Clinton some coffee
>> And be sure to check out everything happening over at The Topic is Trek, the other podcast Clinton does
>> Bicycle courier image courtesy of Rudy and Peter Skitterians from Pixabay
>> Certain sounds effects courtesy of freeSFX and

Looking for a transcript of the episode? Find it here.

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Chapter 18: Ping Pong Diplomacy

Bouncing around Chasm Valley.

While Mayors Rory and DuBois speak with Bryn Dunsel about those pesky toll booths, Abby Falmacher and Danny head to Placeholder to talk to Torple. But there are hidden agendas at work. Guest starring Bonnie Kenderdine as Abby Falmacher and Bryn Dunsel, and Gary J. Chambers as the Narrator. (Run time – 10:24 minutes)

>> Become a comedy4cast patron with Patreon and get episodes before everyone else!
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>> Drop us an email at podcast @
>> Not able to be a Patreon patron? Consider just buying Clinton some coffee
>> And be sure to check out everything happening over at The Topic is Trek, the other podcast Clinton does
>> Bicycle courier image courtesy of Rudy and Peter Skitterians from Pixabay
>> Certain sounds effects courtesy of freeSFX and

Looking for a transcript of the episode? Find it here.

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Chapter 17: Mystery of the Mystery Man

It’s always darkest before it gets lighter.

Cindy and Lenny are beginning to adapt to live in the Molehill Mountains, thanks to the Mystery Man. However, all that is about to change. Guest starring Bonnie Kenderdine as Cindy, John Bell (“Bells in the Batfry” podcast) as the Mystery Man, and Gary J. Chambers as the Narrator. (Run time – 6:59 minutes)

>> Guest Star: John Bell, from the “Bells in the Batfry” pocast
>> Become a comedy4cast patron with Patreon and get episodes before everyone else!
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>> Not able to be a Patreon patron? Consider just buying Clinton some coffee
>> And be sure to check out everything happening over at The Topic is Trek, the other podcast Clinton does
>> Photo courtesy of DarkWorkX from Pixabay
>> Certain sounds effects courtesy of freeSFX

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Chapter 16: Mistrust and Verify

Next Exit: Grassssssside Greene

Abby and Mayor Rory race to escape from whatever is chasing them in the tunnel, but Giles is still having trouble opening the hatch. Can they get out in time? And, if they do, what next? So many – questions? Guest stars Bonnie Kenderdine as Abby Falmacher, and Gary J. Chambers as the Narrator. (Run time – 9:34 minutes)

>> Become a comedy4cast patron with Patreon and get episodes before everyone else!
>> Follow us on Twitter
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>> Call the new phone line: (213) 290-4451
>> Drop us an email at podcast @
>> Not able to be a Patreon patron? Consider just buying Clinton some coffee
>> And be sure to check out everything happening over at The Topic is Trek, the other podcast Clinton does
>> Bicycle courier image courtesy of Rudy and Peter Skitterians from Pixabay
>> Certain sounds effects courtesy of freeSFX and

Looking for a transcript of the episode? Find it here.

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