Lazy Sunday

Does an electric Sim dream of real sheep?

As the Dog Days of Podcasting continues in this special series of shows, Clinton plays on in “The Sims 4.”Now that he has his character created, it’s time to put Chopper Whippleworth into the real world — well, as real as the Sims world gets, that is. Let’s see how well this would-be chef survives. After all, he’s being controlled by a very inept gamer. Good luck, Chopper!

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Go ahead, make my Sim

Clinton begins Dog Days of Podcasting 2019

As he has done for several years, Clinton is again participating in the Dog Days of Podcasting. Created by Kreg Steppe, the idea behind Dog Days is to encourage podcasters to try to release a show every day in the month of August. This year, Clinton will make another pitiful attempt to play video games. To be specific, “The Sims 4” and later in the month, in a very special return engagement, “Star Trek Online.” In today’s episode, Clinton creates his Sims 4 character (with a little help from the interwebs).

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Middling Fair’s next-door neighbor tries to improve its image.

Mayor Garfield “Lucky” Dubois holds a press conference at Grassside Greene Town Hall to announce plans to turn the hapless hamlet into a thriving metropolis. Good luck with that! Elsewhere, Abby Falmacher tries to give Cap his annual performance review.

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Hole in the Ground

Dealing with rubble could be trouble.

In the aftermath of events in “Escape from Pasta Place,” the town of Middling Fair has to decide what do to with a city blocks worth of debris. At this town meeting, it seems that everyone has an opinion. And we do mean everyone. Can a decision be reached before they need to vacate the room to make way for a previously-scheduled event?

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Words to the Newly Wise

Simple advice for the graduating class.

After this speech, Clinton will probably never be asked to give a commencement address again. Quite frankly, we’re not even sure why he was asked to do it this time.

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