comedy4cast #502: The Town Next Door

A comedy of epic errors.

In this episode, we find out about Middling Fair’s little-know sister town, Grassside Greene. Clinton interviews the Mayor, Garfield “Lucky” Dubois, who explains the town’s history. It’s a fascinating story. Or an epic tragedy.l You be the judge.

>> Find all episodes of the comedy4cast comedy podcast here.
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>> And be sure to check out everything happening over at The Topic is Trek, including the podcast and Clinton’s reviews of “Star Trek: Discovery” episodes

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Rolling Right Along, LIVE!

Turning “Star Trek” Upside Down.

In this episode, we head back to Dragon Con to hear a segment from Chuck Tomasi, Kreg Steppe and Clinton’s other show, The Topic Is Trek. Learn what happens when Clinton sits down at the computer and tries to play the massive multiplayer online role playing game, “Star Trek Online.” He gets just a bit confused by the whole thing. Oh, who are we kidding? The Federation is in a lot of trouble!

>> Find all episodes of the comedy4cast comedy podcast here.
>> And be sure to check out everything happening over at The Topic is Trek.
>> Become a comedy4cast patron with Patreon and get episodes before everyone else!
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comedy4cast #500: Live from Dragon Con 2018

Recorded live in front of a live audience. LIVE!

When two podcasts collide, you know things are bound to get interesting. Join Clinton as comedy4cast joins forces with the gang from Technorama to bring you a full hour of fun and games. You’ll also learn about the latest creation coming to you from the Little Wicker Basket Company. Not enough? How about a fairy tale version of “The Terminator”? So stop reading and start listening! Chuck Tomasi and Kreg Steppe (Technorama)  guest star.

>> Find all episodes of the comedy4cast comedy podcast here.
>> Special Guests: Chuck Tomasi and Kreg Steppe, from Technorama
>> Become a comedy4cast patron with Patreon and get episodes before everyone else!
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>> Call the Super Secret Phone Line: (360) 515-0004
>> Drop us an email at podcast @
>> And be sure to check out everything happening over at The Topic is Trek, including the podcast and Clinton’s reviews of “Star Trek: Discovery” episodes

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comedy4cast #499: Sounds Urgent

Replying to a “taxing” call.

Clinton receives an urgent call, but is not available to respond. What to do? Fortunately, he has installed a system which will take the appropriate action. Listen and find out what happens when machine speaks to machine.

>> Find all episodes of the comedy4cast comedy podcast here.
>> Become a comedy4cast patron with Patreon and get episodes before everyone else!
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>> Call the Super Secret Phone Line: (360) 515-0004
>> Drop us an email at podcast @
>> And be sure to check out everything happening over at The Topic is Trek, including the podcast and Clinton’s reviews of “Star Trek: Discovery” episodes

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comedy4cast #498: Tripping!

When travel sites compete, who wins?

During a commercial break, we get to hear the latest features offered by the travel sites TripIGo and TripAssistantte. Then, Miss Abby Falmacher answers a listener question submitted through the comedy4cast Super Secret Phone Line.

>> Find all episodes of the comedy4cast comedy podcast here.
>> Become a comedy4cast patron with Patreon and get episodes before everyone else!
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>> Call the Super Secret Phone Line: (360) 515-0004
>> Drop us an email at podcast @
>> And be sure to check out everything happening over at The Topic is Trek, including the podcast and Clinton’s reviews of “Star Trek: Discovery” episodes

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