comedy4cast #579: Tricked-Out Treats

Strange happenings on the telly.

Attempting to find moody Halloween programs on TV, Clinton runs into an endless supply of mayhem and foolishness. Bad for him, good for you.

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>> And be sure to check out everything happening over at The Topic is Trek, including the podcast and Clinton’s reviews of new “Star Trek” episodes

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Currency Events

Things are about to get crypto-confusing.

It’s back to DragonCon 2019 in Atlanta, for the second half of our live show audio. In this episode, Abby Falmacher introduces a new product out of the Little Wicker Baskets Think Tank. But Giles makes a mistake that could wreck the whole presentation.

>> Become a comedy4cast patron with Patreon and get episodes before everyone else!
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>> Call the Super Secret Phone Line: (360) 515-0004
>> Drop us an email at podcast @
>> And be sure to check out everything happening over at The Topic is Trek, including the podcast and Clinton’s reviews of new “Star Trek” episodes

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Suggested By You

Listeners write the show

In celebration of the 507th episode of comedy4cast, Clinton had a great idea. He put out the word, asking show listeners to give him suggestions for odd situations that our regular cast of characters might find themselves in. And wow, did they respond! Then it was simply a matter of sorting through all the ideas and writing up what proves to be a very strange episode. A Caprica coffee mug size “thank you” to everyone who participated. And, as always, a big shout out to all of the comedy4cast Patreon patrons.

>>Find all episodes of the comedy4cast comedy podcast here.
>> Become a comedy4cast patron with Patreon and get episodes before everyone else!
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>> Call the Super Secret Phone Line: (360) 515-0004
>> Drop us an email at podcast @
>> And be sure to check out everything happening over at The Topic is Trek, including the podcast and Clinton’s reviews of “Star Trek: Discovery” episodes

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comedy4cast #360: Jungle Cruise Bingo

Meanwhile, at Schweitzer Falls

In this episode we take a fun-filed trip on Disneyland’s Jungle Cruise, as well as decide what to do with ancient ruins, learn how to get rid of unwanted guests, and meet a candidate for President of the United States. And be sure to Tweet your suggestions on how to get more use out of ancient wonders to @comedy4cast using the hashtag #ReuseARuin

>> Special thanks to Scott & Tracey from the  Disney, Indiana podcast
>> Become a comedy4cast patron with Patreon and get each episode a day early!
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>> Call the Super Secret Phone Line: (360) 515-0004
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>> “Vivactiy”, “Life of Riley”, “Wallpaper”, “EDM Detection Mode,” “News Sting,” “Reformat” and “Hep Cat” by Kevin MacLeod (  Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

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