Fuel a Writing Session

Clinton Needs Caffeine!

It’s well known that Clinton does a lot of his writing while sipping coffee — often at Dunkin’s. If you’d like to fuel one or two of those Dunkin’ sessions, Clinton will give you a shout out on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Interested? Here’s what to do:

  1. Go to https://dunkindonuts.cashstar.com/ to purchase a Dunkin Donuts eGift card — To be fair, minimum of $5 for a shout-out. A large coffee can get expensive! But, if Clinton can use your card more than once, he will mention you each time he uses it.
  2. Select any card design you like, but be sure to include a message in the space to the right of the big card image  (see example below, which is slightly outdated, as it mentions Twitter). Include your BlueSky or Instagram handle or, if you prefer, your name (NOTE: the handle or name must be family-friendly), so Clinton can mention you in his social media post when he uses your eGift card. And yes, you can also choose to be anonymous.
  3. Recipient name: Clinton
  4. Recipient email: comedy4cast@gmail.com
  5. When Clinton uses your card, he will mention your BlueSky handle (or name) on BlueSky and your Insta handle on Instagram.

Example of filling out text for Dunkin Donuts eGift Card
Be sure to tell me who you are!