“Cast Wars” Results

In the just-for-fun, non-scientific, 7-round competition, including over 1,000 podcasts, we were pleased that comedy4cast came in at number 6. Here is the list of the top 10 vote getters:
1. The Big Show
2. The Podcast Pickle Show
3. Jawbone Radio
4. The Nate and Di Show
5. Podcast 411
6. comedy4cast
7. Shelly’s Podcast
8. The Bitterest Pill
9. KeemeCast
10. Riding with the window down and Israelisms
But, there’s no rest for the victors. The next Podcast Wars has already begun, and the category is Comedy! Yes, comedy4cast must fight the wars again. It’s all in fun, but your votes are appreciated.

Thanks for rating us!

I want to thank anyone and everyone who has been rating comedy4cast over at Yahoo! Pocasts. I think the benefit is that it is helping the show get some exposure. So, whether you’re rating at Yahoo!, voting for us over at Podcast Alley, adding comedy4cast to your favorite at Podcast Pickle, etc., think of it as helping to advertise the show. Again, you have my sincere thanks.