“Comedy Podcast Wars” Results

The first-ever Comedy Podcast War has concluded over at The Podcast Pickle. In this just-for-fun, non-scientific, 5-round war, including hundreds of podcasts, we are pleased to announce that that comedy4cast came in at number 4. So, if first was Gold, second was Silver and third was Bronze, I figure comedy4cast was Recycled Aluminum. Here is the list of the top 10 vote getters:
1. The PK and J Show
2. Squadcast
3. Soccergirl Incorporated
4. comedy4cast
5. Rambling Retard Rampage
6. Keith and the Girl
7. The Nate and Di Show
8. KeemeCast
9. Riding with the Window Down
10. Mead ‘n Ale
Thank you to everyone who voted for comedy4cast! You folks ROCK!

comedy4cast #051: Trapped Inside the Magic Window with a Laughing Mouse

This show combines sound-seeing tours, interview, stories and a host that loves to remind you that he lives next to Disney World and you don’t.
Griddlecakes Radio
Featured Artist: Derek Sonderfan (song, “March of the Clowns”)
Featured Artist: Larry Seyer (song, “Sometimes”)
Featured Artist: Vincent Van Go Go (song, “Bongo Booty”)
Podsafe Music Network

comedy4cast #050: Customized Customs

In this episode I describe a famous U.S. holiday and offer tips on dealing with life in America. You’ll quickly discover that I don’t have a clue when it comes to giving you the facts.
The National Arbor Day Foundation
Guzen Radio
Josh in Japan
Podsafe Music Network
Featured Artist: Incidental Fusion (song, “The Journey”)