comedy4cast #059: No Time For A Podcast

Things have been quite hectic at work lately. It has left me no time to do a podcast. In fact, this episode is all about the fact that I have no time to do a show.

Posted on Categories comedy, podcasts

comedy4cast #058: The Other Side of Spring Break

While the students are away on Spring Break, what goes on back at the college?

This episode is a bit late. I won’t lie to you about the delay. You see, I was…abducted by aliens for a few days. Hasn’t that happened to all of us now and then?

Featured Artist: IntelecT
Podsafe Music Network

Posted on Categories comedy, podcasts

comedy4cast #057: The Joystick of Driving

Videogame technology merged with your automobile? Sounds great. Or does it? This skit was inspired by my inability to master the Playstation 2 game controller.
Round the Twist
Featured Artist: Without Thought
Podsafe Music Network

Posted on Categories comedy, podcasts

comedy4cast #056: Danny Gets The Picture

Where has Danny Hillcrest been? Covering the Academy Awards, of course! In the way only Danny can cover them.

Posted on Categories comedy, podcasts

comedy4cast #055: The Basically Podcast Show, Take 5

Lenny Treetop is at it again. He takes some bad advice from Nomad451, discusses myspace and listens to a disturbing voice email. Kreg Steppe of Technorama andValid Syntax guest stars as Herman J. Winkersham. Kreg did a great job of taking what I wrote for him and adding even more to it. Nice!

Also, big thanks to everyone who is voting for comedy4cast, adding it as a favorite, and rating the show. It’s much appreciated.

Valid Syntax

Posted on Categories comedy, podcasts