A Record Of Unusual Size

A dog sitting behind a microphone.

The view from the top of the record heep.

On today’s Odd News+ episode, we discuss someone who has practically made a career out of setting records. Plus, flower-selection advice from the Middle-Aged Farmer’s Almanac and an attempt to solve an airline puzzle.

David Rush began his quest to set his first Guinness World Record just a few years ago. Now he finds himself at the head of the pack. Is there anyone else in his league?

The Middle-Aged Farmer’s Almanac has proven to be a resource of questionable value. We give it another chance to prove itself by consulting the guide on set up a flower garden.

The lab mice (or what’s left of them) are at it again. This time we sent them out to investigate a dilemma every traveler faces when selecting an airline seat: Aisle, Middle or Window?

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Click here for a transcript of this episode.

Posted on Categories comedy, Dog Days of Podcasting, podcasts