Call and Recall

comedy4cast #790: Call and Recall

It’s time to bring the table back.

Clinton receives a call on the Super Secret Phone Line that reminds him about a long-gone show segment – the Virtual Table of Random Things. But, newer listeners might not know about the Virtual Table. To solve that, Clinton explains the origins of this mysterious piece of virtual furniture. We hear clips from comedy4cast going all the way back to 2008! Did the internet really even exist back then? And now that the table is back, Clinton invites you to call in or email him your contributions for the Table. Or top pick something up.

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>> Or you can get Clinton a Dunkin’ card or a cup of coffee via Ko-Fi
>> Follow us on X, Instagram, Facebook, MeWe, Mastodon, Post and BlueSky
>> Give us a call via the Super Secret Phone Line: (213) 290-4451
>> Drop us an email at podcast @
>> Also check out Clinton’s other podcast, The Topic is Trek
>> Certain sounds effects heard on comedy4cast are courtesy of freeSFX and

Click here for a transcript of this episode.

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