Odd and Ends – Frank Talk About The Road

comedy4cast #768: Odds and Ends - Frank Talk About The Road

Transportation troubles.

Our regular cast of characters are all still busy working on this year’s big, multi-part story. Even Danny Hillcrest is unavailable. Although rumor has it Danny will be back very soon with some info on Summer movie. Until then, we’re once again daring to step inside Clinton’s mind to find out what’s bouncing around in there. Listen and be amazed.

This time, it seems that Clinton finds himself confused by everything that has to do with transportation. And we do mean everything.

First, he completely misunderstands the wording in a seemingly harmless TV commercial. The request the ad makes sounds reasonable enough — to most folks. But it soon lands our host in a lot of trouble with the law. To make matters even worse, while Clinton is trying to deal with that problem, he gets some shocking news. Someone has gone and changed the name of a beloved transportation icon. What? Why? Clinton has to find out. All this is enough to make his mind begin to question everthing that has to do with our highways and byways. He even begins to question the wisdom of the markings that guide us along our way.

You may never look at roads the same way again.

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>> Also check out Clinton’s other podcast, The Topic is Trek
>> Image of truck by Sean Harrington; photo of street by WEI J, both via Pixabay.
>> Certain sounds effects heard on comedy4cast are courtesy of freeSFX and FreeSound.org

Click here for a transcript of this episode.

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