Odds and Ends – Digit Dilemma

comedy4cast #767: Odd and Ends - Digit Dilemma

Clinton takes a look at numbers.

We all use letters and numbers ever day and never stop to think about them. But that doesn’t stop Clinton’s brain from looking at them sideways. In this episode he questions everything about every single number after 13. It could leave you wondering about digits, too.

Of course, that logically leads him to questions about every single letter in the alphabet. Truly life-changing stuff here.

He also brings up an odd news story about humpback whales and somehow ties that in with his discussion of letters and numbers. Blame this whole digit dilemma on his odd brain.

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>> Also check out Clinton’s other podcast, The Topic is Trek
>> Images of numbers by Geralt via Pixabay.
>> Certain sounds effects courtesy of freeSFX and FreeSound.org

Click here for a transcript of this episode.

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