Ghost Of A Second Chance

comedy4cast #766: Ghost Of A Second Chance

Heading down underground.

For the first time in months, Cindy decides to visit The Tunnels. But she is still hesitant to make the trip. With all the spheres gone, the space is now without power or water and sits all but abandoned. What will she find in the labyrinth of corridors and chambers? Before she can answer that question though, she has to deal with Danny Hillcrest. It seems the would-be screenwriter is still trying to sell a rom-com script to the streaming services – with little success. He describes a re-write that he hopes will be a winner.

Lending their voice in this episode is Bonnie Kenderdine as Cindy.

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>> Images of projector courtesy of Pexels via Pixabay.
>> Certain sounds effects courtesy of freeSFX and

Click here for a transcript of this episode.

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