The Taco Of Truth

comedy4cast #731: The Taco Of Truth

Plans begin to unfold (and unravel)

As the month of April approaches, things start to get hectic in and around Chasm Valley. Traveling to The Tunnels under Middling Fair, Captain Broughha once again tries to obtain some important books. Only now it seems he is no longer interested in playing by the rules. Meanwhile, in nearby Pleasant View, Detective Haartte and Buzz “Scoop” Crackerjack Thomas interview an important lead. The Little Wicker executive is key to both of their investigations. Even so, Haartte has trouble putting the case ahead of his empty stomach. (Run time: 20 min)

Lending their voice in this episode is Bonnie Kenderdine as Cindy and Chief.

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>> Taco image courtesy of chiplanay, PatternPictures; background pattern courtesy of PublicDomainPictures. Both via Pixabay.
>> Certain sounds effects courtesy of freeSFX and

Looking for a transcript of the episode? Find it here.

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