The Slow Down, Chapter 30

comedy4cast #690: The Slow Down, Chapter 30

Back from beyond.

As our 2021 April Podcast-a-Day story wraps, it’s finally time for the gang to make their way back out of the tunnels. General Kalamity takes charge of dealing with Bean and Hitch. Miss Falmacher and Giles head back to the Venus Arms Hotel and Towers. They are in for quite a surprise when they arrive. And, let’s not forget that no story is complete without a few teasers for what is to come next.  (Run time 11:30  min..) (total April story length, over 4 hours!)

Lending their voices this episode are guest stars Bonnie Kenderdine, Sammi Price, who can be found at, and Gary J. Chambers, who can be found at

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