Chapter 14: That Hatch Has A Catch

comedy4cast #609: Chapter 14, That Hatch Has A Catch

You can’t get there from here.

General Kalamity explains why it might be impossible to use that newly-discovered tunnel. Meanwhile, Cindy, Lenny and the Mystery Man continue to make camp in the Molehill Mountains. And is there a spark of romance in the night mountain air? Guest starring Bonnie Kenderdine as Abby Falmacher and Cindy, John Bell (“Bells in the Batfry” podcast), as the Mystery Man, and Gary J. Chambers as the Narrator. (Run time – 6:48 minutes)

>> Guest Star: John Bell, from the Bells in the Batfry podcast
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>> Photo courtesy of DarkWorkX from Pixabay
>> Certain sounds effects courtesy of freeSFX

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