comedy4cast #491: Somewhere Way Out There, Part 24

comedy4cast #491: Somewhere Way Out There, Part 24

Bringing it all home.

Clinton and the gang finally get to return to Mother Earth. But it looks like someone is anxious to get back into space. Who will be leaving the team? We also learn the fate of the Venus Arms Hotel and Towers.  Scott and Tracey (Disney, Indiana podcast) and John Bell (Bell’s in the Batfry podcast) guest stars. Scott and Tracey (Disney, Indiana podcast) and John Bell (Bell’s in the Batfry podcast) guest star.

>> Start the “Somewhere Way Out There” story from the beginning here.
>> Find all episodes of the comedy4cast comedy podcast here.
>> Special Guests: Scott and Tracey, from the  Disney, Indiana podcast.
>> Special Guest: John Bell, from the  Bell’s in the Batfry podcast.
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Posted on Categories comedy, podcasts