comedy4cast #360: Jungle Cruise Bingo

comedy4cast #360: Jungle Cruise Bingo

Meanwhile, at Schweitzer Falls

In this episode we take a fun-filed trip on Disneyland’s Jungle Cruise, as well as decide what to do with ancient ruins, learn how to get rid of unwanted guests, and meet a candidate for President of the United States. And be sure to Tweet your suggestions on how to get more use out of ancient wonders to @comedy4cast using the hashtag #ReuseARuin

>> Special thanks to Scott & Tracey from the  Disney, Indiana podcast
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>> “Vivactiy”, “Life of Riley”, “Wallpaper”, “EDM Detection Mode,” “News Sting,” “Reformat” and “Hep Cat” by Kevin MacLeod (  Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

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