We’re a Podcast Awards Finalist!

2013 Podcast Awards Finalist

First, a word of thanks:

To the fans of comedy4cast who nominated us for a Podcast Award, thank you! You’re the best. And I’m happy to report that we’ve made it to the finals in the Comedy category. This is a category filled with names like Adam Carolla, Marc Maron and friend of the show, Scott Johnson. It’s amazing to see our little comedy show in amongst those giants!

Now the hard(er) part – voting.

The way the Podcast Awards works, once the finalists are chosen, there’s a 15 day voting period (November 1 thru November 15). People can vote once a day. In fact, it’s strongly encouraged. The finalist with the most votes wins.

I will try to walk that fine line between gentle reminders and outright begging. I trust you will tell me when it gets annoying. However, since our fans were nice enough to nominate us, I want to strongly encourage people to vote for us.

Vote for “comedy4cast” in the “Comedy” category, once a day, November 1 through November 15. The online voting takes place here:
Podcast Awards Voting

Posted on Categories News