comedy4cast #300: No Pun Intended

comedy4cast comedy podcast

Season 3 kicks off a new format. It’s kind of like a J.J. Abrams reboot, but with a lot less lens flare. One of the things people have asked for is a return to shorter shows. And while I can’t promise a return to the old “4 minutes or less” concept, I am iaiming to keep each comedy podcast this season under 10 minutes.

We’re back to square one, people. So give me time to ramp up.

Check out the season premier episode and give me your feedback.

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Posted on Categories comedy, podcasts

One thought on “comedy4cast #300: No Pun Intended”

  1. docxen says:

    I like the longer shows. I would like to see a 30 min show 5 days a week. Lol prob not going to happen but that’s what i would like.

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