comedy4cast Special Episode 10: Live from Dragon*Con 2012!

comedy4cast LIVE from Dragon*Con 2012

It’s hard to believe it has been a whole year since the last live show at Dragon*Con! (And it’s already over. Boo!) The wonderful thing is, the crowd that shows up for my panel/performance is always full of awesome people. And I’m grateful that they choose to spend some of their convention time watching me do my silly podcast. That’s why I try to do something a bit unusual every year.This time around, I experimented with bringing audience members into the performance…heck, I tried to bring the WHOLE audience into the show! If you couldn’t be there, here’s you chance to hear how things went. As always with the live show, the unexpected is part of the fun! Oh, and I hope this encourages you to try to be at Dragon*Con in 2013 for the next live show! (Special thanks to Kinsey for permission to use one of his photos as the cover art for this episode.)

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