I wanted to let you know about two great comedy4cast events at Dragon*Con.
First, Gary the Great asked on Twitter if there was going to be a Pizza Friday meetup, Yes, there will be. We’re going to assemble in front of the Hyatt and take the short walk over to the Mellow Mushroom, at 400 West Peachtree Street. Meet at 1pm (Friday, Sept. 2) on the sidewalk in front of the Peachtreet Street entrance to the Hyatt — that’s the side farthest away from the Marriott and Hilton. I’ll be there in my comedy4cast t-shirt. We’ll head off to lunch promptly at 1:05pm.
Then, our big event, comedy4cast and friends LIVE! will happen Sunday night at 7pm in room 204 of the Atlanta Hilton.That’s the main room for all Podcasting events. Chuck and Kreg from Technorama will be joining me, as well as Susie from How to Grow Your Geek. And, for the first time ever at our Dragon*Con show, Bonnie, my wife — and voice of Ms. Falmacher and Cindy, Lenny’s downstairs neighbor — will be on stage, too!
I’ll also be joining Chuck and Kreg in the parade on Saturday morning, attending the Parsec Awards on Saturday night and doing who knows what else over the weekend. I hope to see you at the con!
Oh, and listen for a new comedy4cast episode in September!