comedy4cast #064: The Basically Podcast Show, Take 6

Show notes by Cindy, Lenny’s downstairs neighbor.
Like, Lenny has been a little bummed out lately about that guy taking away the generic tomato soup ads. Like, what’s the big deal? I think the stuff was rotting his brain. And he was starting to turn orangy from drinking the stuff for, like, every meal. Anyway, Lenny went all Hollywood and did some editing on his show. I think it was over the top. Then he talked about geeky stuff and some online game. I don’t dig that kind of thing, so I didn’t pay much attention. Oh, and Nomad451 sent an email. That guy is starting to creep me out. Like, I think that’s it, dudes. Later!
Featured Artist: Dream Art Science
Podsafe Music Network

Posted on Categories comedy, podcasts