comedy4cast #042: The Basically Podcast Show, Take 4

Show notes by cindy:
Like, Lenny asked me to write up some notes. Whatever. Like, in the show, first the announcer gets all macho with his introduction and commercial plug for generic tomato soup. Then Lenny does some weird intro with airline names. Too weird. Like, this is taking a long time to type. Anyway, like Lenny mentions the generic tomato soup again and then begs you all for votes and stuff. Way too commercial for me, man. Then I notice you can hear that same helicopter is hovering outside Lenny’s window again. Can you hear it? Wow. That’s freaking me out. Later on, Lenny makes his big announcement. Like, I don’t get all this geeky stuff. So, like, those are my notes. Deal with it Nomad451!

Posted on Categories comedy, podcasts